Sales Policy

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Thinking of getting goats?

  • We are passionate about our animals and believe every new goat owner should enter into goat ownership with thoughtful preparation, educated on the rewards and challenges of caring for goats.

  • Inquire:

  • Reference from our Veterinarian.

  • How we care and protect our goats with biosecurity, blood testing and nutrition.

  • References since 2014

  • If your goat purchase is made elsewhere, please ask the Breeder the above questions.

We stand behind our Kids!

Goats are offered for sale only to homes that have other goat(s) or if the buyer is purchasing 2 or more goats. We recommend purchasing a minimum of 2 goats, making the rehoming less stressful and providing a lifelong companion. Goats are herd animals requiring the companionship of other goats for well being.

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions about our goats, or if you are curious about starting a small herd of your own. Goats aren’t right for everyone, but we’re happy to discuss your goals and if the realization of goat keeping might work with your space, lifestyle and livestock aptitude.

Our commitment to our animals does not end when our goats leave the farm. We are here to help answer questions, direct you to reliable resources for goat care, husbandry, behavior, welfare, and we always enjoy receiving updates on how our animals are doing in their new homes! 

Our herd is biosecure, clean, closed, disease-free and tested. Since 2014 our Disease Free status has proudly been maintained.

Old School Creamery is tested for:

  • Johne's Disease is a contagious, chronic, and usually fatal infection that affects primarily the small intestine of ruminants. Johne's disease is caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis), a hardy bacterium related to the agents of leprosy and TB.

  • Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic disease which, in sheep and goats, can be caused by mycobacterium bovis or mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB is transmitted through both unpasteurized milk and respiratory secretions (coughing, sneezing, etc).

  • Brucellosis is prevalent in most countries where goats are a significant part of the animal industry, and milk is a common source of human brucellosis in many countries. The causal agent is Brucella melitensis. The signs of brucellosis in goats are similar to those in cattle. 

  • CAE Caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE) is a contagious viral disease of goats. The disease is typically spread from mother to kid through the ingestion of colostrum or milk. CAE virus may also be spread among adult goats through contact with body secretions including blood and feces of infected goats.

  • CL Caseous lymphadenitis (CL) is a chronic infection of sheep and goats caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis bacteria. This contagious disease is best known for abscesses (buildup of pus) in the external lymph nodes of the neck and abdomen.


Goat Sales Package:

  • No animal will leave the farm unless in our opinion we find them to be in good health.

  • All registerable Does and Bucks will be tattooed, and provided a paper copy of the ADGA Registration Application. Pet quality Does and Wethers will be sold without Registration Papers.

  • All kids will be disbudded and have current CD/T shots. We do not offer any horned or unvaccinated animals for sale.

  • Breeder may cancel sale at any time for any reason if we are uncomfortable with releasing the animal into outside care. Deposits will be refunded under these circumstances.

  • Buyers are responsible for any and all additional costs above and beyond our standard goat sales package. Example: Veterinary Exam, Extended Boarding Fees, Blood Draw, Laboratory Testing Fees, Shipping and Registrations and Transfer expenses.

DEPOSITS: At the time you decide to reserve and selected kid(s), a deposit of 50% is required to hold your reservation. Deposits will place a hold on your selected kid to the age of 8 weeks. It is the responsibility of the Buyer to schedule a mutually convenient date between the 8-9 week of age window. If pickup is not made before 9 weeks of age, a boarding and care fee will be charged at $5.00/day until your goat has been picked up.  At the time of pickup the final payment is required for the kid(s) as well as boarding charges and extras, if any were incurred.

Deposits may be partially refunded: A portion of your deposit, 50% of down payment, will be returned if the reservation is cancelled before 4 weeks of age, by either party. After 4 weeks the refund will not be returned on buyer cancelled reservation.  In the circumstance of death or illness of a reserved goat, the deposit will be refunded in full or may be applied towards a future kid, at the buyer's discretion. 

Receiving your goat(s): Whenever possible, we prefer the goats are picked up from our farm. All arrangements for transport are the responsibility of the purchaser. The cost of shipping, health certificates, blood testing, and any other expenses associated with transporting the goat(s) must be paid in advance by the purchaser.

Be prepared: We’ll work closely with those who are fairly new to goats; however, we reserve the right to turn down any potential buyer that we don’t feel will provide quality care. Please educate yourself, purchase goat care books prior to entering into a 10-15 year commitment to care for this goats life.  Before you bring your goat home you should have already scheduled an exam appointment with your local Livestock Veterinarian. It is important to be a client of record, in case of an emergency.